
Wednesday 13 June

Hi There, 

This is going to be a blog about my Keto Journey. I am currently 23 Days into eating Keto. I started on 21 May 2018. I will start by telling you abit on myself and why I wanted to started eating this way. 

I am 17 years old and will 18 in a less than 2 months, which is obviously a very exciting time, I will be an adult and I am also finishing school this year. My life is very busy and fast paced at the moment. I have always been uncomfortable with how my body and this started unfortunately at a young age I think around Yr9 which I would have been 14, and I have ever since. I have never liked what I saw in the mirror. I was not over weight at that
time, I couldn't help compare myself to myself. I will insert some pictures of me

this time of my life. This was 2014. When I got to year 10 and 11 I went through a lot of stuff and I guess I never realised at the time but I was eating lot of food that was not doing anything for my body and I didn't care because when you get into a head space like I had, I couldn't care less about anything. I weighed almost 70kg in 2016 and in 2 small years i got to a weight of almost 80 I weighed 79kg and I was determined to never let myself get over 80kg that was the moment when everything turned for me. I have tried "eating healthy" before but I was never able to sustain these diets and ways of eating.

Now to current time, It was May 21 that I decided that I was going to start Keto for a number of different reasons. 

1. I was sick and tired of feeling so bad about the way I looked and I wanted to start thinking more positively about my body.

2. I wanted to put heathy and nutritional foods into my body and treat it well instead of stuff it with processed foods. 

3. I have a holiday in less than 3 months and I wanted to feel more confident while I am there with taking pictures and swimming.

4. I am about to turn 18.

5. I want to prove to myself that i can do something and smash it, and not give up. 

Thanks for reading :)
